1. |
Click Here for Circular |
2. |
Click Here for Gazette Notification |
3. |
Click Here for Clarification |
4. |
Circular 6-164 dated 23.01.2019(Pension committee) |
5. |
Circular 6-171 dated 28.01.2019(Pension FAQ) |
6. |
Service regulation and Pension Regulation 2018 |
7. |
Circular 01/258 - Jeevan Praman Portal for pensioners and family pensioners |
8. |
Important Notice |
9. |
Download Pension Slip |
10. |
Important notice for Bank's Pensioners. |
Option Form
11. |
The Management has decided to streamline the process of payment of commutation to all eligible pensioners/retiress due to wage revision effective from 01/11/2017. If any pensioner does not want to avail this facility, he/she may submit their option by 10th june 2021, so that appropriate recoveries may be made.
12. |
Old Circular 02/194 Group Medical Insurance Scheme for the Retirees and Spouse of the Retirees of the Bank |
13. |
Group Medical Insurance Scheme for the Retirees and Spouse of the Retirees of the Bank from 01.02.2022 to 31.01.2023 |
Option Form
14. |
New 03/233 Group Medical Insurance Scheme for the Retirees and Spouse of the Retirees of the Bank Effective date 01-02-2022 |
15. |
Claim Form for retires |
16. |
PAN India Hospital List |
17. |
SPOC for Raksha TPA |
18. |
New 04/210 Group Medical Insurance Scheme for Retirees and Spouse of the Retirees of the Bank effective from 01.02.2023 to 31.01.2024. |
Option Form
18A |
SBI-Network-list |
18B |
Reimbursement-claim-form |
18C |
MediBuddy_Portal |
18D |
Annexure-1 Medical Insurance Scheme and Operational Guidelines_Retirees _2023-24 |
19 |
New Group Medical Insurance Scheme for the Retirees and Spouse of the Retirees of the Bank of the Bank Cirular # 05-225 |
Option Form
20 |
Regarding sending the claim pertaining to old group medical insurance scheme Bank Circular # 05-233 |
21 |
Regarding medical insurance scheme for retiree staff members along with the hospital network. Cirular # 05-232 |
22 |
Regarding Implementation of computer increment in Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) |
23 |
ARYAVART BANK w.e.f. 01-11-1993  |
Option Form
24 |
Gazette regarding Aryavart Bank (Employees') Pension (Amendment) Regulation 2024  |
Option Form for deceased
Option Form for retires
25 |
Renewal of Group Medical Insurance for Retirees & dependents of deceased members of the Bank Circular No 06-182 dated 24.01.2025 |
26 |
Regarding medical insurance scheme for retiree staff members along with the hospital network. Circular # 06-188 |